Sunday, January 25, 2009

Where it all Started

Last week I talked about the new Disney Movie coming out this year. This week I would like to take some time and review the first Disney movie released. If we go back in time that Disney Movie was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which was released in 1938-1939. Since that date there have been 43 other movies to achieve the title Disney Masterpiece. One might wonder how Walt Disney made these timeless features without the help of today's technology's. It happen with the help of over 700 artist working round the clock for three years, and Walt Disney vision of Snow White was developed. This movie required over 3 million paintings and cost over 1.5 million Dollars. Wow in 1938 that was quite the chunk of change. This process starts with a story we are all familiar with, probably the one that started it all, true love conquers all, and prince charming saves the day on his white horse. Then it goes into conference with Walt Disney and his writers and animators. After Walt has approved it production begins. Skilled Artist draw, redraw, and draw again each movement of every scene. Then they are transferred by hand to transparent paper to be painted. Expert chemist made over 1500 top secret shades for Snow White. After all celluloid's where painted they were sent to be photographed in technicolor, one frame at a time. This process was repeated over 1/2 million times.

I find the time and work that was put into this movie rather interesting. No wonder it is a self proclaimed Masterpiece.

List of Disney Movies. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2009, from Disney Movies :

You Tube. (2004, September 4). Retrieved January 25, 2009, from You Tube:


  1. It's intersting to learn how movies were made before a technology overload. In fact, I appreciate the movies made in the past because of all the hard work that went into them. Some of the facts you mentioned I never even knew before, like the expert chemist who made over 150 top secret shades for Snow White. I guess when I was young I didn't appreciate all the work that went into these movies.

    If I were to go back and watch Snow White all over again, I will probably notice the specifics, like the colors for her. When I do watch cartoons, I often look at how fast a character moves, which would mean that each movement had to be drawn out over and over again.

    I remember hearing/reading somewhere that it takes six months just to make one 1/2 hour episode of The Simpsons. It's really amazing that we have all these animated shows available to us.

  2. Its nice to know that, even during those old times people had such new vision. There three years of hard work made wonders that we are enjoying today.
    I am also amazed at the amount of money they had spend in making Walt Disney such a success
    I still remember the book Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs.It was one of my favotites.
    But I had no idea that the story was so old....

  3. I watched Disney movies all the time when I was little and still do every so often to this day. When I was younger I of course never picked up on those dirty things put in the movie, because who would even think to look for things like that in a Disney movie. I remember hearing about a few of them like the ones in Aladdin and the Lion King and thinking that it couldn’t be true, until I saw it myself. I never knew about the one in the movie “The Rescuers”.

  4. Personally, I love disney movies, all of them! I think they do a very good job at keeping it child appropriate, and think that it is kind of dumb that there are people out there that watch these movies so closely just to get them in trouble. Yes, that video did have a lot of irony in it, but I honestly wouldn't have ever noticed those words in a million years. Interesting post though!!

  5. As a child, I always like cartoons especially when I had the chance to watch Disney movies. I always wanted to know where Mickey Mouse did come from and I never knew his name was Steamboat Willie before. Now that you have said some history on Walt Disney, I really have learned a lot of him. I always wanted to go to Florida to go to Disney land and I know that one day I will.
